Pastor's Blog - November 2016

John Chowning, Pastor

The month of November is often a time when many churches place an emphasis on stewardship as the new year approaches. It's a time when many congregations consider their financial need for the coming year, prepare a budget, and then promote the concept of stewardship with emphasis on the giving of our tithes and offerings in support of the ministry and mission of the church. And of course, we know that stewardship is more than giving of money. It is a lifestyle and recognition of the fact that all we have is granted to us by God. Stewardship involves the giving back to God a due portion of our time, talents, and resources in service to Him.

This brings us to the importance of thanksgiving. A few weeks ago, my sermon was on the the fact that expressing thanksgiving to God is therapeutic for us as we recognize how truly blessed we are.

One of my favorite verses, Psalm 100:4, speaks to giving thanks:  "Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." We are called to give thanks to God - and to give praise to Him for all He has done for us. How long has it been since you truly gave thanks and praise to God?

The psalmist concludes that chapter in Psalm 100:5 with these words:  "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." You can depend on God's love which remains constant through all situations and circumstances. He is truly faithful in all times.

Praise God! During the month of November, and throughout the year, may we give thanks and praise to God for all He has done. Consider the many blessings we have been granted. The Lord has saved us and given us abundant life. Let us give thanks in all things - let us display "thanksliving" in our daily walk.

Blog for October 2016

Pastor John Chowning

It is often said that we live in perilous times, and I suppose that in many ways this is quite true. The Apostle Paul spoke of this in 2 Timothy 3:1, "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come." In verses 2-4, Paul lists a number of the characteristics of so-called perilous men. In verse 5b, he said:  "And from such people turn away!" So, we may conclude that perilous times will be characterized by perilous living among perilous men (and women).

Are things worse in 2016 than in any previous period of history? Certainly a strong case can be made for this argument by considering that the world could be destroyed several times over with the nuclear capabilities that the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Israel, North Korea, and possibly other nations now have. The ongoing threats of the North Korean dictator are sufficient to trouble our nation's leaders and those of other leading nations around the world. There are other problems around the world as well - hunger, poverty, human trafficking and slavery, pornography, all types of addiction, and corrupt leaders.    

The world is beset by "wars and rumors of war..." In our own nation, we see moral standards and values declining, marriage having been redefined just in the past year or so, rampant drug abuse and addiction, violence in our streets, increased volatility of race relations, political corruption, etc. It seems that people are turning away from God and our Christian worldview is increasingly the minority perspective even in our part of the world.

What does all of this mean? Are we living in the final days of history? Is the Lord about to return? Are things worse now than every before? There are no absolute answers to these questions. The one certainty is that the Lord will return - we just don't know when. 

While a case can be made that perhaps we are in the final stages of history and that the Lord is about to return, we have absolutely no way of knowing this for certain. The Bible is very clear that we will not know the day or the hour of the Lord's return. Every period of history, since the Lord ascended into heaven and promised his followers that he would return some day, has had similar problems and issues. The early church yearned for the Lord's return and reflected the challenges of living a Christian life in an increasingly hostile world. An argument can be made that the 21st century is comparable to the first century in terms of certain conditions and forces in play.

My conclusion is that our times bring some unique challenges to the Christian way of living. However, I don't necessarily agree that things are worse now than ever before, because each and every era of history has experienced a number of challenges, and the Christian faith has attracted opposition from the very beginning of our faith more than 2,000 years ago. It is increasingly apparent that we are living in some exciting times when we take a global perspective and see how the Holy Spirit is moving around the world - in places like China, parts of India, Cuba, etc. And even here in the United States, there are signs for renewal and revival.

The bottom line is that we should always be prepared for the Lord's return. The Lord may return this very day - are we ready if he comes? And the Lord may calls home to heaven today - are we ready if he were to call us home? Meanwhile, we are called to be people of hope who are daily going about the mission and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. And we should always be prepared!

Pastor's Blog for September 2016

Pastor John Chowning

Our local community has recently experienced a rash of drug overdoses resulting in at least one, and maybe two, deaths. A large number of emergency calls were made reporting overdoses in the community. The scourge of substance abuse and drug addiction is rampant in Campbellsville-Taylor County as well as across the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the United States. All segments of society are impacted by drug and alcohol addiction and abuse. It is no respecter of race, creed, religious affiliation, economic and social status, or political party - there are virtually no families who haven't been impacted by this crisis. We see young lives being destroyed and some snatched away into eternity because of drug abuse and overdoses.

Numerous public policy initiatives have been implemented over the past 30-40 years - including the so-called War on Drugs, drug education programs in our schools, expanded drug treatment programs, addiction recovery programs in churches, mass incarceration of drug traffickers and drug users, etc. And despite all of these and other well-intended efforts and the expenditure of literally billions of dollars, both public and private funds, there seems to be no end to this cancer that is "eating away" at our community and culture.

The latest rash of overdoses in our community apparently resulted from the flow of heroin laced with fentanyl from Detroit, Michigan. This seems to be a very deadly and addictive combination. Heroin has become the "drug of choice" for many involved in the drug culture due to the cheap price. Efforts to control other drugs, such as pain pills, have increased the street prices of those drugs and resulted in heroin becoming the cheapest option. There are many other opioid derivatives that are increasingly prevalent and dangerous that we hear about almost weekly.

What can we do? First, we must strongly support our law enforcement as they work to contend with drug traffickers and suppliers. That is an ever changing challenge no doubt, but we must support law enforcement in these endeavors. Secondly, we must support a multitude of treatment options and show Christian compassion and concern for those who are addicted and seeking to recover. We must also support their families and encourage Christian recovery treatment options that include the best of medical and psychological treatment methodologies.Third, we must acknowledge that there are no easy solutions, and that we must be engaged in fighting this problem on a daily basis. It is not going away anytime soon. As already noted, we move from one drug of choice to another regularly which is governed by forces beyond our direct control and influence. Fourth, we must be willing to help and encourage those who are suffering from these and other addictions. As Christians, we must show compassion, share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who find themselves caught up in the drug culture, and do all we can to help support and encourage those who are in recovery.

Fifth, we must insist on education programs that share with our children and youth the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse as well as the dangers of other addictions. That begins in the home among family members and extends from there into the church, school, and community. We must recognize those characteristics that make certain individuals more vulnerable and get them the help that they need at the earliest point possible and provide them with support as possible. But we have to help people understand that they are ultimately responsible for what they consume and how they treat their bodies - and remember that our body is the "temple of the Holy Spirit" as the Bible tells us.

Sixth, we must pray, pray, pray, pray!!! And we must speak out - prophetically and with love, grace, and compassion. We have lost too many lives to this ravage on our community and culture. We must be people who are "the light of the world and salt of the earth" as Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount.

There are several pastors in the community who are coming together for prayer and collaboration on what more can be done by the Christian community. And we pray that there will be further resolve among all sectors of the community - political, educational, civic, faith, law enforcement, judicial, etc. - to reclaim our community for Jesus Christ and abate the damage, darkness, and death of the drug culture. Please join in this effort!

August Pastor's Blog

John Chowning, Pastor

The summer months seem to have passed so very quickly - perhaps it's my age that makes it seem that time passes much quicker than when I was much younger. The month of August brings the opening of our local area schools. Once again, our children and youth will return to the classroom and a more regular schedule. Families settle into the regularity and routine that school brings. And summer vacation comes to a close. 

We need to be supportive of and involved in our local schools - both public and private. Our church has supported Ky Christian Academy for more than two decades via our annual mission budget. We have a number of church members who are public school teachers and staff. And of course, our children and youth are enrolled in area schools. All of us pay school taxes in support of our public schools. 

What more can we do? First, we should be involved in the lives of our children and youth who are enrolled in school. We should pray for them; we should encourage them; we should help them take advantage to get the very best education possible. Many young people are in need of love and encouragement. 

Second, we should encourage and pray for our teachers and others involved in education. A word of appreciation from us will mean a lot for those who are dedicated teachers and workers. Most men and women who are teachers are doing it as a call to service and ministry. 

Third, may we pray for the safety of all involved in our schools. We pray that the 2016-2017 school year goes smoothly and safely in every respect. 

And, finally, we can say a "good word" about our schools. There's a lot of negativity in our culture. Educators are sometimes blamed for the ills of our culture. In reality, our teachers are too often the sole positive influencer in the lives of many children. So I choose to say a positive word about our teachers and educational staff! 

May God bless and keep safe our students, teachers, and all involved in our area schools during the 2016-2017 term. And may we minister to them in the name of Jesus Christ. 



Pastor's July Blog-Saloma Baptist Church

by John E. Chowning

Sunday, July 10 is being observed across the country as Pray Together Sunday sponsored by the National Association of Evangelicals, of which your pastor is a member. NAE is asking churches of various denominations across America to pray for a "reset" and in the belief that Jesus changes everything. As stated on the NAE website, "He (Jesus) offers us a reset - restoring us to our original design - and he can reset this generation."

Pray Together Sunday will also kick off the week leading us to "Together 2016," a national campaign to bring one million people to the National Mall for a day of worship and prayer on Saturday, July 16. Visit to learn more about supporting or attending Together 2016.

Saloma Baptist Church will join with numerous other congregations across American on Sunday, July 10 to pray for Together 2016 and to pray that God to work in and through our nation. We are challenged to pray with other churches on Sunday, July 10. As stated in materials for Pray Together Sunday, "What is one million people in different churches of different denominations across the country joined together one Sunday in prayer? What is we all asked Jesus to change our hearts and our nation? Will we ask Jesus to reset our nation?"

We are encouraged to pray for the plans and preparations for the July 16 Together 2016 gathering in Washington on the National Mall - for those who will be speaking, for those who will lead in worship, and for all who will be praying on that day in our nation's capital. We are encouraged to pray that "Jesus will be the only agenda."

The goal is for a "reset" at all levels - a reset in our personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ, a reset for the local church and the ministry that we are called to do in our community and world, a reset for the larger Body of Christ to work together in unity of purpose and spirit and to bring Jesus to bear upon our world, and a reset for our nation in these very challenging and uncertain times.

We are praying for a reset of our nation to Jesus. And we are asking God for another Great Awakening in the United States and in our world because, "Jesus changes everything."

Join us in prayer for a reset!