Pastor's Blog - November 2016

John Chowning, Pastor

The month of November is often a time when many churches place an emphasis on stewardship as the new year approaches. It's a time when many congregations consider their financial need for the coming year, prepare a budget, and then promote the concept of stewardship with emphasis on the giving of our tithes and offerings in support of the ministry and mission of the church. And of course, we know that stewardship is more than giving of money. It is a lifestyle and recognition of the fact that all we have is granted to us by God. Stewardship involves the giving back to God a due portion of our time, talents, and resources in service to Him.

This brings us to the importance of thanksgiving. A few weeks ago, my sermon was on the the fact that expressing thanksgiving to God is therapeutic for us as we recognize how truly blessed we are.

One of my favorite verses, Psalm 100:4, speaks to giving thanks:  "Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." We are called to give thanks to God - and to give praise to Him for all He has done for us. How long has it been since you truly gave thanks and praise to God?

The psalmist concludes that chapter in Psalm 100:5 with these words:  "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." You can depend on God's love which remains constant through all situations and circumstances. He is truly faithful in all times.

Praise God! During the month of November, and throughout the year, may we give thanks and praise to God for all He has done. Consider the many blessings we have been granted. The Lord has saved us and given us abundant life. Let us give thanks in all things - let us display "thanksliving" in our daily walk.