Pastor's Blog - November/December 2023

The months of November and December are always a very busy time in the life of a church as well as in the private lives of the members of the church family and community. No doubt, this year will be no different as we move into the late fall and early winter seasons. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will bring with them a lot of added pressures and busy schedules – ranging from family gatherings to workplace pressures to what to buy others for Christmas presents to the possibility of near physical and emotional exhaustion because of busy schedules, financial pressures, eruption of differences in some families, and loss of joy that this season of the year can bring.

 Let me offer a few suggestions for your consideration that might help you get through this upcoming two-month period and that might result in more joy and fellowship rather than exhaustion and pressure:

  • During November leading up to Thanksgiving season, take some time to consider the many ways in which you and your family have been blessed. Despite any challenges and difficulties you may have encountered this year, you remain a blessed individual. “Count your many blessings – name them one by one! And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!” The words of this gospel hymn should cause us to shout, “Amen.” Spend some time with God in prayer, study, and fellowship – thank him for all he has done for you and your family in 2023. You will be surprised.

  • During the actual Thanksgiving holiday and as families gather, make a commitment to yourself and to God that you will be on your best behavior, you will enjoy time with family (even when there may be some difficulties within the family unit). Avoid discussions related to politics or other topics that may erupt into arguments. Be thankful for your family, enjoy a meal together, watch some football or basketball, play some board games, or card games, and enter into a time of prayer and thanksgiving.

  • Then as we move into December and Advent, the pace will pick up no doubt. You will feel the pressure of Christmas related shopping to find that “right gift” for that “right person.” A few suggestions on Christmas 2023: don’t overspend and run up a large credit card debt that you will not be able to payoff in a timely manner; don’t try to outgive others in terms of spending more than you should or try to impress others by what you buy them; look for others that you may be able to help during this season (and year around) – those who are less fortunate – those who may not have family members with whom to celebrate the Christmas season; make a donation to a Christian missions organization or Christian ministry to honor a family member or friend – and there are numerous groups deserving for such support who are serving “the lost and the least” in the name of Jesus the Christ.

  • Spend time reading the Old Testament prophecies on the coming of the Messiah and the Gospel accounts of His birth and life. Even though you may have read these accounts many times in years past, it is always rewarding to spend time in the Scriptures as we seek new discernment and deeper understanding from the Holy Spirit as we delve into the coming of God into the world in the form of the Babe of Bethlehem. What a story – what a joy – what a history-transforming event!

  • To reduce pressure during this season, you may need to cancel an event or two – you can’t do everything and be everywhere. The most important activities are spending time in your church services, with your family, and in once again understanding the meaning of the Christmas story and how it has transformed our lives because of the death and resurrection of the Christ of Christmas.

 From my family and me, we wish all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving season. We are thankful for all of you and the opportunity to move through these days with you as church family and friends. And we wish you a joyous Advent and Christmas season. May the truth and power of the Christmas story be manifest in your lives.