August Update

The month of August brings the official end to summer vacation for our children, youth, and college age students. In many ways, the beginning of school brings a normalcy and regularity to the schedules of families. During the summer months, there are family trips and vacations to be taken, and a flurry of summer activities that are outside the route that we experience approximately nine months of the year.

And while on the subject of back to school, join us in a season of prayer for all that are involved in our public and private educational systems. We are praying for all the students at all levels of education as well as for the teachers and staff who are so dedicated to the educational progress of our young people. Let me say a word of thanks and appreciation to everyone in our church family involved in the education field. You are doing important work indeed!

It's also a time when everyone should be reminded of the importance of being active in the life of the church. You see, the church is much more than the building in which we worship. The church of the Body of Christ - Jesus Christ is the head of the church and we are the body. Loyalty to the church is important in today's world. We need active and engaged church members and supporters. One of the joys of back to school period is a call to all to be more active in the year ahead in all facts of the kingdom work of the church. So, as your pastor, there's a call to service, a call to attendance, a call to provide tithes and offerings, a call to ministry, and a call to mission beyond the "four walls" of the church building.

Sunday, August 23 is our annual homecoming celebration - we will celebrate 64 years of Christian ministry and mission at Saloma Baptist Church. Bro. Kyle Franklin, who grew up in SBC and is pastor of Pellville Baptist Church, will be our guest preacher in the morning worship service. The Lindsay Family will be in concert during the afternoon. We will enjoy a wonderful noon hour meal and fellowship time. Mark your calendars and join us for the day - I always call Homecoming Sunday as a "foretaste of heaven."

We will kickoff a new Sunday School/Small Group year on Sunday, August 30 with a breakfast and then gathering of all adults in the Fellowship Hall. Please help us make Sunday School/Small Groups a priority in the year ahead.

Please call anytime that we may be of assistance. If you don't have a church home and you are reading this blog entry, please know you are always welcome to join us at Saloma Baptist Church - a warm welcome awaits you - hope to see you soon.


In Christ,

Pastor John Chowning