Pastor’s Blog for October-November - Pastor John Chowning

The months of October and November are an important time for us at Saloma Baptist Church. During October, our Brotherhood coordinates our annual Global Hunger Fund Focus beginning with Global Hunger Sunday which is Sunday October 8. 

The recent series of natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and 500-1,000 year floods in our own country and nearby countries, as well as other disasters around the world, remind us how truly vulnerable many people are relative to food issues and hunger. In some areas, food shortages are a way of life and in other areas, the people are simply one drought or sudden natural disaster away from starvation. 

Undernourishment is particularly acute in many areas of the world including our own country. Around the globe in the course of a year, millions of children and others of our most vulnerable people, die as a result of hunger - malnutrition and outright starvation. 

The Baptist Global Hunger Fund is one way that we can be part of solutions. Every penny donated goes directly to hunger relief ministries. In our case, we forward our donations to our friends at Baptist Global Response (BGR). BGR then directs funds to various ministry and mission points around the world where food relief is provided for the neediest and most vulnerable of people. The Good News of Jesus Christ is also shared with the recipients, and we receive reports annually of several thousand people who come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord as a result of Baptist-sponsored Global Hunger Mission’s Work. 

We will provide Global Hunger Fund offering envelopes. Many of our members collect change during the year and bring in donations during October and November. Donations of all amounts are encouraged and appreciated. 

As Jesus taught in Matthew 25, one of the tests of our faith is how we treat “the least of these...” As we attend to the needs of the least of these, so do we minister to and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. 

This period culminates with the annual observance of Thanksgiving on November 23 as we gather with family and friends. Most of us will enjoy bountiful meals and fellowship with family and friends. We need to make it a time of truly giving thanks to God for all He has done for us. An important expression of Thanksgiving is by our sharing with those who are less fortunate - donations to Global Hunger Fund, donations to our local Food Pantry (which our church supports through quarterly missions find donations as well as periodic collection of canned food), support of disaster relief efforts as we have done recently for the Hurricane impact areas, sharing with those in our own community who are less fortunate and hungry, etc. 

Reach out and touch others in the name of Jesus during this season of the year! You will be blessed and you are fulfilling the teaching of Jesus.