Summer Update

The month of June is an exciting and busy time in the life of Saloma Baptist Church. Our Green River Lake Ministry is ongoing with Sunday morning services weekly at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time at the state park campgrounds amphitheater. Deacon Mike Forbis, Deacon Daron Vaughn, and Associate Pastor Jason England are heading up this outreach ministry to the campers at the state park and have recruited other churches and faith-base groups to participate. This is our 17th year of doing this ministry, and through the years, thousands of people have witnessed the presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in meaningful and exciting ways. Pray for this ministry.

We are in process of our summer mission project - raising funds for our 11th water well for impoverished rural areas of the country of Zambia in the continent of Africa. Through the mission work of Lonnie and Fran Turner, who have served faithfully in Zambia for 40 years, water wells are drilled in rural villages that provide safe and reliable water supplies, in the name of Jesus Christ, to thousands of Zambian residents. Our church also supports their work in other ways by providing supplies for children in schools, tuition assistance for boarding school students to attend Christian high schools, and in prayer - all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are preparing for our July 17-19 Vacation Bible School. Bro. Jason England and the VBS/Christian Education Team will be announcing more details on our 2015 VBS plans. It will be an exciting time of Bible study, music, fellowhsip, recreation, crafts, etc. for the children of our church and the community. Will you help? Will you invite and bring children who are unchurched? Will you pray for VBS 2015?

You are always welcome at Saloma Baptist Church as we seek to "minister to our community and world in the name of Jesus Christ." Sunday School is at 10:00 a.m., Worship is at 11:00 a.m., Sunday evening Discipleship Training is at 6:00 p.m., and Wednesday evening Bible Study and Prayer begins at 7:00 p.m. Join us - a warm welcome in the name of Christ awaits!

In Christ,

Pastor John Chowning